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Love God, Love Your Neighbour, and It’s Ok To Be Trans
By Allyson Hamblett
This book looks at gender through biblical texts and asks whether the biblical account makes room for trans, intersex and gender diverse people. The first and second creation accounts in Genesis suggests that Adam and Eve were more like trans creation rather than binary. Why did Jacob give his son a princess coat? Deborah was a military leader. Jael took down an army and Rehab was loved by God. And what’s going on with those Deuteronomy texts. A wider analysis suggests that the old testament texts lay the foundation for today’s prejudices within the church and in secular society. It’s Ok to be Trans PDF
Diversity Christian Fellowship International
To wear the label ‘gay’ draws both positive and negative reaction. To wear the label ‘Christian’ may draw similar reaction. To combine these two labels into one: ‘Christian gay’, creates considerable reaction, again both positive and negative. Read Being Christian and Gay
Transgender Christians
Being a transgender Christian is in many ways similar to being a gay Christian. We face a number of the same issues, and some different issues as well. In some ways these issues aren’t any different than many other humans have faced. “Why do they reject me?” “Why am I different?” “Why did God make me this way?” None of these questions are fun. Read Transgender Christians, Gays and our common bond
List of Christian denominations affirming LGBT Even includes New Zealand and ARCC!
When your son or daughter comes out
Here is Rachel’s story of how she and her husband learned the importance of prayer and compassion in responding to this sensitive topic. Read My son is Gay
Rachel Held Evans blog
Looking at Matthew Vines’ book, God and the Gay Christian: The Biblical Case in Support of Same-Sex Relationships. Read God and the Gay Christian Part 1 and Part 2
LGBTI Resources
United Church of Christ – LGBT Resources An Excellent selection of resources
Marriage equality
Matthew Vines, author of the bestseller God and the Gay Christian, debunks five popular Bible-based arguments against marriage equality. Read Five Bible-based responses to common arguments against marriage equality
Bishop David Gillett
The basis of God’s good creation is that sexual relationship is part of the very essence of God’s good gifts to the whole of humanity. Read Does the Bible Really Say that Same-Sex Love is Wrong?
A more challenging perspective…
Why doesn’t God answer prayers to take the Gay away? This may be the very avenue by which God can reveal Himself for God to develop us into the people He made us to be.